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Friday, October 21, 2011

2nd Grocery Trip = Also fail...really??

So, I decided to take matters into my own hands this week. OK, really, it just so happened that Jason couldn't find the time to shop this week and I couldn't take another fresh produce free day so I did the shopping. Truly, I tried! I scoured the ads from Kroger, Randall's, and HEB to determine which store would be the better place to shop based on what we needed for the week. I didn't find any coupons but most of what we buy isn't coupon material. So, I had a list chock full of fresh produce, almond milk, a few snacks (greatly pared down), and a few other things. My budget was $65 (I had gotten some things at the Evil Empire aka Wal-Mart earlier in the week that are cheaper there than anywhere). What I spent = $106. What happened?? I got my produce, it was all on sale. I opted for the less expensive options (i.e. buying romaine lettuce instead of packaged salad, buying store brand, etc.), stuck to my list...except for a good deal on soy was a GOOD deal!...compared prices, and eliminated a lot of things from what we normally buy. Instead of getting juice boxes, I am giving the kids water at lunch. Instead of getting microwave popcorn, I buy the regular stuff and use our microwave popper. Instead of buying separate chocolate milk, I'm making chocolate syrup from agave nectar. Despite all of that, I was still over budget. Granted, only about $40 over budget but still! I did have to buy fish oil (I rocked the BOGO of the store brand), contact solution, and razor blades which accounted for about $26 of the overage but I still don't feel satisfied with that trip.

I hear about these people who are "extreme couponers" and wonder if that is even a possibility for a family like ours who is on a special diet. I've googled a few sites but haven't actually printed anything yet. It seems like I've always bought store brand of what we can buy and fresh everything else - can coupons even help me? Maybe...I guess that will be the next know, in all my spare time...;)

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