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Friday, October 21, 2011

A Word about Language and Motor Skills

So, back in the later days of my pregnancy with Lambert, I read the book, Real Boys by William Pollack, PhD. One of the things that stuck with me was when he wrote that boys communicate their feelings better when engaged in some sort of gross motor activity. If my memory serves me, it was something like "if you want to get your boys to talk to you, go outside and shoot hoops" or something along those lines. Well, lo and behold, 7 years later, I have found that is, indeed, true for my Lambert. I like to run. It's my stress relief time, my kick ass time, my prayer time, and my mental/emotional processing time. Typically, this works better if I go alone. However, whenever Lambert seeks out my company, I pay attention and take when I can get. So, the first time he asked if he could go with me on my run, I was interested to see how that would shake out. He rode his bike and I tried to keep up with him. It was amazing. The words that flowed from his mouth about his day, what he did, who he talked to, who he played with, how he felt - all the things that are so difficult for him to express because of his ASD just poured out of him like it was natural. I ran faster than I ever have just to make sure I didn't miss a word. Who knew that best selling book might have some pearls of wisdom?? I can't speak to how this works with neurotypical boys but for my son with Autism, it's pure genius. Now, when Lambert wants to accompany me, I know I'll be in for not only a good workout but an actual conversation with my son. It only happens on the road so I'd better be fast...and leave the i-pod at home :)

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